• healing

    healing myself & letting you watch
    Subconsciously Reprogramming You to
    believe that anything is possible

    support certified courses


so glad you are here!

Because I kinda Left Social Media? haha

I’m still making videos! just sending them exclusively to

my email list right now.

✨here’s a better explanation of what’s going on👆✨

also, if you still want to follow along,



you can search near & far for all the answers outside of you. But the reality is, the deepest truth you have is within. My work is just here to mirror that back to you, be a living example on my own path, & through that give you permission to do the same. This website shares a little about what worked for me

Learn More
a tumor?

a tumor?

the uncensored documentation of my Journey. some of the Hardest moments of my life on film

Certified Courses

Certified Courses

Instructional Videos that show how I've been healing myself with the GAPS diet, approved by Dr. N



the opportunity to take my Power back - brilliantly disguised as an impossible situation

Certified Courses

foundational principles I used to heal *in video format*


Dr. Natasha's Son, Matthew Campbell-McBride

I’ve had a look over your videos and website and am happy to say that it all looks good to me. You clearly are quite passionate about GAPS which is great to see, and it’s always people who have experienced improved health on the GAPS diet who make the best and most passionate teachers...

Dr. Becky Plotner, One of the Top GAPS Practitioners in the World

Lauren Meadowsweet has a heart for health, the natural way. She is compassionate, kind, and a simply lovely woman. She has been working in the GAPS community for quite some time, navigating and learning all the time. She has the heart to help. The passion of diligence. It’s an honor to have been working with Lauren in any way.

Marisa Tolsma of Bumblebee Apothecary

I feel like you are going to be a second Dr. Becky some day.

Sarah, Healing Yourself Student

I feel often, when you are speaking wow! This is my experience, I have searched for other information on youtube as well as listened to Dr. Natasha and Dr. Becky Plotner but your videos were detailed. I am finding my way back to myself and it is through your videos and wisdom that have been a gift. You are a blessing to me and I could cry with where I would be or we would be with out this information.

One of my Clients, {Name Protected for Privacy}

I'm not positive I ha[d] a major question that [Healing Yourself School] didn't answer...

Anna, Healing Yourself Student

If it wasn't for you I may not be here getting my booty ready to start this plan in the next week. I just know it's going to change my life. I've had Dr. Natasha's first book for around 8 years now!

Healing Yourself Student, C.P.

Once again thank you for helping to spread the word about GAPS, but also doing all the hard work in digesting and spoon feeding us the information in video form; you’re a godsend!

Nice to meet you!

I'm Lauren Meadowsweet.

I’ve recovered from:

lyme disease, record-breaking amounts of pesticides, liver damage,

being housebound, & bedridden w/ rashes + open sores covering my body

WITH FOOD. Only to discover that I had been healing myself

from Advanced Stage 3 Cancer the whole time. 🤷‍♀️

My body of work & my certified courses show you how & why

I’ve been doing this (((w/o the medical system)))

You can learn more about my story here

“The place of true healing is a fierce place. It’s a giant place. It’s a place of monstrous beauty and endless dark and glimmering light. And you have to work really, really, really hard to get there, but you can do it. You’re a woman who can travel that far.”

-Cheryl Strayed, Tiny Beautiful Things

things I don't tell everyone

only you, if you want?


“Transformation is not magic. It’s hard work. But it is also doable work. When we can see another person’s labor toward their transformation, we know it is not some secret sauce but instead a daily commitment to a new way of life.”

-Sonya Renee Taylor, The Body is Not an Apology



Anything is Possible…

become your own healer

all the power is inside of you 😘